Some more of Rajnikant to amaze...

Harvard got it's MBA from Rajnikant.

Only Rajnikant knows ki choli ke peechhe kya hai!

Rajnikant can like a post even before it is.

Rajnikant kicked a man once. Today that man is remembered for being the first Man to Land on Moon.

Once a Dengue mosquito bit Rajnikant. The mosquito couldn't make it, it died of a brain hemorrhage.

Mrs.Pratibha Patil is Indian citizen no.1...No. of Rajnikant number is 0.

Rajnikant can kill two stones with one bird... :))

There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Rajnikant allows to live.

When Rajnikant enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on,............. he turns the darkness off.

When Rajnikant logs into twitter, twitter informs Rajnikant What's happening!

Scientist wasted money and time inventing money on rocket technology as they were not aware of Rajnikant.

Rajnikant can actually run faster than his own legs.
