Kabali Day - Rajanikanth Day Special

Kabali spl...All new series on Rajnikanth:
Rajnikanth was shot today... Tomorrow is the bullet`s funeral!
Rajnikanth killed a terrorist in Pakistan 'via Bluetooth'!
Rajnikanth can draw a straight line with a compass
Rajnikanth`s pulse is measured in Richter scale!
The new Rupee symbol is actually Rajnikanth`s signature!!!
Rajnikanth has a statue of Madame Tussauds at his house!!
Rajnikanth is the secret of Boost`s
and Complan is a Rajnikanth boy!
Rajnikanth participated in 100m race, obviously he came first, but
Einstein died watching that, since Light came second!!
Intel's new ad: "Rajnikanth Inside"
When Alexander Graham Bell first used his telephone, he realized that he already had two missed calls from Rajinikanth.
Why does needle of magnetic compass always point towards North??? . . Because, RAJINIKANTH lives in the South and no one has guts to point at him!!!
The apple which fell on Newton was actually thrown by Rajinikanth!
An email was sent from Pune to Mumbai, Rajinikanth stopped it in Lonawala!
Rajinikanth can whistle in 5 different languages!
Only Rajinikanth knows why Mona Lisa is smiling.
Rajinikanth is the person in the world who can make his girlfriend admit her mistake!
Rajinikanth went to the world cooking championship...of course Rajini won. But
guess what did he make in final??? Lal mirchi ki meethi kheer
Hey guys,
A friend of mine bought the tickets for the first show of Kabali @ PVR on 22nd Jul forgetting that he is getting married on the same day.
He bought it much before the engagement so,now he wants to know if someone is interested in getting married 😉😉😉
RAJANIKANT SPECIAL. sorry for the overload, but no one dare say  NO to RAJANIKANT
This 1 is Baap
🎾🎾Wimbledon special🎾🎾

Roger Federer: I know everything about tennis. Ask me anything and I will answer

Rajnikanth: Kanna.. How many holes are there in the net?
