The words are easy when the language is LOVE !

The words are easy when the language is LOVE ! - 123 SMSFUN

The words are easy when the language is LOVE !

You many meet people better than me, funnier than me, more hilarious than me, but one thing I can say to you, I will 'ALWAYS' be there when they ALL leave YOU!

It may sound simple, nothing unique or original... but yet it means so much and take courage to say. I wanna tell you 'I Miss You Alot!'

When a door of happiness closes. Another opens. But so often at times we look so long at da closed door.. that we do not see the which has been opening at us

True luv is eternal... Cherish da luv when U've got the chance, for once it leaves U, it would b difficult get it back.. Don't let luv be only a memory in U..

U may be out of my sight, but not out of my heart. U may be out of my reach, but not out of my mind. I may mean nothing to u, but u'll always be special to me.

Someday you'll get abt me, name, voice, who I am & who I am you... But even if you get abt me, I just wan u to know... I'll never get you...

Hearts could only love for a while, feets could only walk for some miles, clothes won't ever be in style, but having U as my 'lover' is ever worthwhile....

Love, knows no reason, knows no time, it has a sole intention of bringing people together to a time, called - F O R E V E R...

min, hr, day, wk, mth, yr, no matter how long, I'll treasure the times we've spent together!

So many questions, but the answers are so few, all i really know, is, I MISS YOU !

Loving u is not just having a cup of coffee. It still takes me time to add in sugar and milk to make it sweeter and pure...

Fate has brought us together, to meet, to know and to part is the saddest thing in life... I £ove You...

Curved high on a mountain covered in dew... I saw these words... I LOVE YOU!

: I MAY...
i may seldom tell u how special u are, i may not be able to reach u coz we're both busy, but inspite of all, u know u are someone i really miss and care about.

Loving is not how u forget but how u forgive, not how u listen but how u understand, not what u see but how u feel, and not how u let go but how u hold on.

U mUz bE tiReD cOz u haF bEEn runNinG thrU mY miNd, u gOttA bE a thiEf coZ u haF stOleN My hEaRt n i muZ haF BeEn a bAd shOotEr CoZ i kEep miSSing u...

Fate brought the both of us together. So naturally when you look at us, you will think we match each other. Coz we are make to be for each other.

If love is water, I'll give u the ocean. If kisses are spaces, I'll give u the universe... If heat was your love & care, how I wish the sun was beside me...

Itz better this way U say b or not b. Is up U to say, U r FREE to CHOOSE, but i'm AFRAID to LOSE... but no matter when.. no mater where... I LOVE U...

The SPACES between ur FINGERS were created so that another person's fingers would fill them in. Hope U found the hand that u r meant hold on ever..

it dos nt hurt me seeing you in luv wd sum else, not wen i c u so hapi wd her
n nt wen u dnt say hi me. it hurts me knwing dat i shud've been in her place.

t's a luvly feeling stand on d top of a hill & feel on ur face d touch of d
cool soft wind, he same is d feeling wenevr I hear ur voice & c ur smyl.

There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that
person has started hating us but because we found out that they'd be happier if
we let them go.

Days wil b spnt lyk yirs f dos days wil b spnt w/out u, smiles r lyk frwn f its
nt ment u, but ever wil sound gret f u promise ever to me!

FYT UR LOVE, dats ol dey say.LET HER KNOW & DON't LET HER GO, so what dey
think of. IT WUD WORK OUT is dey beliv in. SET UR HART FREE, its wat they see.
but how can i......wen u ITS NEVER ME?!!!

everyone wants be the sun dat lights up your lyf.But I'd rather be ur moon,so
I can shine on u during ur darkest hour when ur sun isn't around.

Luv not one, Luv not two Luv d one who luvs u true Luv not three, Luv not four
Luv d one who luvs u more Luv not five, Luv not six Luv d one who really sticks
Luv not seven, Luv not eight Luv d ne who really waits...

If I had the letter "HRT", I can add "EA" to get heart or a "U" and get "HURT".
But Id rather choose "U" and get "HURT" than to have a "HEART" without "U".

There would come a time when we have to stop loving someone not because that
person has started hating us but because we found out that they'd be happier if
we let tham go.

I would give up happines to never see you sad, I would give up eternity to be
with you always, I would give up my life so that yours would be new... I'd give
up everything... except you...

the pain inflicted, is because the good times (no matter how brief) make it all

why say HI! if u mean I MISS U.. why say LET'S GO! if u mean I WANT B W/ U..
why say STAY! if u can say B WITH ME... and why say I CARE wen ur heart says I

The words are easy when the language is LOVE ! - 123 SMSFUN
